Former HUD Chief Castro ‘Inclined’ to Run for President in ’20
Former HUD Chief Castro 'Inclined' to Run for President in '20

Julian Castro, former San Antonio mayor and U.S. secretary of housing and urban development under President Barack Obama, indicated Tuesday that he would probably run for president in 2020, adding his name to a crowded list of Democratic contenders.
"I'm likely to do it," Castro, 44, told Rolling Stone. "I have a strong vision for the country. … I'll make a final decision after November, but I'm inclined to do it."
Castro joins a field of potential candidates that includes political heavyweights like Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Vice President Joe Biden, who was shown to be most favored by potential Democratic and left-leaning voters in a recent CNN poll.
Speculation that Castro might run arose after he made two trips to Iowa to rally support for J.D. Scholten, a candidate for that state's 4th Congressional District. Participants in the Iowa caucuses cast the first votes in the presidential election cycle, and the results are frequently seen as a bellwether of a candidate's potential.
US Politics