Cory Booker Says he Hit his $1.7M Campaign Fundraising Goal
Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker says he's hit the $1.7 million fundraising goal he set for his campaign about a week ago, ensuring he has enough money to continue his White House bid.
Booker says on his website he's "proud of this grassroots team — thank you."
The New Jersey senator had said on Sept. 21 that if he failed to raise the money by Monday he'd end his 2020 bid. The plea prompted support from politicians including former rival New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who hopped on an all-staff phone call Sunday to encourage Booker's team.
Booker's campaign manager said the money would go toward ballot access and hiring staff, among other things.
Booker raised $4.5 million during the second quarter but spent nearly $1 million more than that.