Unmasking the War on Everything: The Ongoing Battle for Freedom, Farming, and Food Choices
The war on everything is something I have been outlining for you over the past several years—we have discussed the ever-growing list of things the left wants to take away from you under the premise of Climate Change and saving the planet.
The war on everything is something I have been outlining for you over the past several years—we have discussed the ever-growing list of things the left wants to take away from you under the premise of Climate Change and saving the planet.
The list again includes the following:
Lightbulbs, meat, water heaters, portable generators, microwave ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, gas stoves, dairy products, and of course, every single thing that uses an internal combustion engine—which means they want to take your car, truck, SUV, snowmobile, boat, ATV, log splitter, weed whip, blower, and lawn mower.
But the biggest thing on that list that is becoming ever more concerning is the war on farms and farmers.
Over the course of my lifetime, we developed the technology to grow more corn, beans, wheat, and rice per acre during a drought than we could under ideal conditions in the 1980s. It has been a remarkable leap forward for agriculture—of course, that has become the newest enemy of the planet. You see if we produce enough food to feed eight billion people, we will destroy the planet—that is the claim for which there is scant evidence if any.
It is globalist propaganda and all part of The Green New Disaster.
So if you have been listening here over the past few months, I have been attacking the massive cricket factory that has been set up north of the border in Ontario, Canada. When running at full capacity, it will deliver more than 9,000 metric tons of Cricket Paste each year for human consumption.
This attack on farming is also being supported by the Biden Administration’s attack on hunting and fishing. This year, Biden and his New World Order goons have outlawed the use of lead for hunting and fishing on millions of acres of federal land—which, of course, will be a precursor to ending the use of lead to hunt and fish anywhere ever!
So, that means no lead sinkers to put on the line to catch fish and no lead bullets to shoot deer, elk and anything else.
Well, it’s pretty obvious—they don’t want anyone to get their own food either—which is why soon they will be back targeting backyard chickens and hobby farms under the banner of food safety. If the government cannot regulate everything you put in your mouth—they will simply outlaw it—and if you think I am wrong about any of this, let me share something with you.
Journalist Alex Newman uncovered a 2013 UN report claiming that the current livestock economy is unsustainable and that a massive propaganda campaign is necessary to convince people to eat bugs.
Look, like I told you several times recently that when the Democrats and the socialists say the strangest, craziest things, don’t just blow it off and say, ‘Well, that will never happen.’
No! Take them damn seriously—believe them when they say they are going to wreck the country and take us down with them when it all fails.
And believe me—we are still just seeing the tip of the Socialist iceberg—they have very big plans, and they are only getting started with the transformation of America—that is unless we can put a stop to it.
We are in the early phases of this forced change being pushed by the United Nations, WEF, and, yes, Democrats and socialists right here in America. The war on everything is going to engulf the nation.
The move to criminalize speech is just another step in ending the rule of law in America. It’s another assault on the biggest thing standing in the way of the global elites, and that is America and our Constitution.
And one of the steps we are being warned about—and I am warning you—is converting the Covid lockdowns into climate lockdowns. If you haven’t noticed, there has been a massive uptick in the idea that air quality in America is bad—in fact, it’s dangerous, and everyone should remain indoors.
I see regular air quality warnings in Michigan, where I live, because of Canadian wildfires—which happen each and every year and, thus far, have not killed anyone that I am aware of. In fact, natural disasters cause fewer deaths worldwide today than at any time in history as a percentage and even as a raw number. Hurricanes and tornadoes kill fewer people than ever.
This agenda, however, is growing and spreading according to one of its lead architects, who thinks he and people like him should tell you how you are going to live because people simply cannot be trusted with freedom.
And this is the push for mega-farms, megacities, and mega companies all controlling the individuals who really won’t be individuals at all because they will be subjected to strict rules and guidelines. Stepping out of line will mean you are in violation of the agenda, which could result in public shaming or a loss of privileges because you will not have rights anymore—and the world will be a very different place than it is today.
The biggest propaganda agent of the Climate Change hysteria is John Kerry—the former Senator and failed Presidential candidate who is willing to lie as he attacks farms and freedom. He is really willing to lie about how many people are dying from Global Warming—and he doesn’t care at all, telling Jen Psaki that 10 million people die a year from extreme heat.
Let me tell you, the most comprehensive study available online was conducted by Monash University using temperature data from 2000 to 2019, and it says something very different.
It identified conclusively that just over five million people are killed each year by temperature—but over 4.5 million, or better than 90% die from exposure to the cold—with heat accounting for less than 490,000 deaths globally.
The most recent numbers for America show that from 1979 through 2016, 11,000 of us died from heat, but over 19,000 died from the cold.
I can say without question that it would take 20 years at this rate to kill 10 million people a year from the heat on this planet—and John Kerry is lying.
But look, maybe the push to end the farming of beef and milk cows and pigs and sheep would be good—and maybe eating bugs would be a big boost for your health—or maybe not.
Studies have shown that the prolonged consumption of insects by humans may result in severe side effects, including multiple sclerosis or cancer.
At the end of the day, we shouldn’t even need to debate the merits of cooking up some delicious bugs for dinner. If you don’t want to, for whatever reason, there should be nobody with the authority to make you.
Originally posted on Steve Gruber.com ➜
Steve Gruber

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