Trojan Horse Nikki Haley is Gifting the Election to the Democrat Party
In actuality, while many believe that Donald Trump is arrogant and has severe ego issues, for Nikki Haley to continue this charade is almost breathtaking in arrogance and egomania.
After former Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley’s (Oscar-worthy) concession speech (after her being trounced in the South Carolina primary), one has to wonder, “Why is she remaining in this race?” Her loss in South Carolina almost mirrored her defeats in New Hampshire and Iowa, which were double digits. In Nevada, she was defeated by numbers not seen before in an election by somebody named “No Name.” Yet she has defiantly decided to “remain” in this primary process, proving to be a shellacking at best and humiliating at worst. Again, the question is “why?”
After last night’s blistering by Former President Trump in her home state (where she served two terms as Governor), her excuse was, “The American people deserve choices.” In her typical disingenuous Nikki Haley fashion, she touted that getting pounded in her home state was “bringing unification to America.” Yes, she actually thinks or is performing a superb job of lying to herself and the nation that “she is the person to unify the nation.” Someone needs to remind her that she cannot seem to unify one party, let alone an entire country.
In actuality, while many believe that Donald Trump is arrogant and has severe ego issues, for Nikki Haley to continue this charade is almost breathtaking in arrogance and egomania.
Many have claimed (although it is not verified by this pundit) that Haley is being primarily funded by Democrat donors to remain in this race. That would be a devious plot by the Democrats if proven true. In fact, it would border on political genius. Personally speaking, I don’t think that is the case. This boils down to a simple case of being an opportunist and hoping to seize on disaster.
Haley is mimicking a vulture. She is circling in the hopes of one of two events transpiring.
The reality is that Donald Trump is not a spring chicken. He is in his late seventies, overweight, and tends to rage in anger at times. Is she hoping he drops from a major heart attack? Possibly! Or, he is jailed from one of the two criminal trials he is facing. This seems to be the only logical answer as to “why” she is hanging around in this primary process.
She has already picked up a few delegates. If she can swing a few decent performances on Super Tuesday (in some of the more moderate states) and snare some delegates, then Trump is nailed with a criminal conviction; she can go to the convention with a rational argument that she should be the nominee. And the fact is, she will have a viable argument as to why the GOP should strip Trump of his nomination because he is a convicted criminal. The most tenuous of these cases is the Mar-A-Lago document trial. This is the one that could get the President convicted of an actual felony.
In either case, the Republicans lose the election in November.
If Trump does retain the nomination and goes to the general election with a criminal conviction, all polling suggests that some 30-35% of his supporters will abandon him. If the GOP dumps Trump and gives the nod to Haley at the convention, we still lose because there is no way on God’s good green earth the “Die-Hard” Trump supporters will ever vote for Nikki Haley. Our side still loses to the Democrats.
If Nikki Haley “TRULY” seeks to unify this party and possibly the nation, she needs to step aside and give her full, unfettered endorsement to Donald Trump.
The reality and the bottom line is that by her remaining in this race, there is no way the Republicans can garner a win in November.

There is an extreme likelihood that the Democrats will drop Joe Biden (or rather, I should say, write a short speech for him, where he drops out to spend more time with family). All indications are that they will select Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to carry their flag (yes, I have inside information). This scenario poses some enormous problems for the Republicans because this will all but guarantee that Michigan goes BLUE, and now the GOP doesn’t grab enough electoral votes to get to the magic number of 270 for the win. This time, Michigan is one of the major pivotal states that the Republicans must win. The fact is, Haley is not a strong enough campaigner to defeat Whitmer in a heads-up contest.
The stone-cold hard truth is that Donald Trump is the only candidate who can win for the Republicans this November.
America is used to brash rhetoric on the campaign trail, and he can attack Whitmer’s record of losing automotive jobs in Michigan, and he will bring those high-paying union jobs back. Haley has a record of embracing China and giving them land for free in her state to build companies and take money out of the country. Trump can attack Whitmer on her handling of COVID, costing tens of thousands of jobs across the Wolverine State.
If you happen to know Governor Haley, tell her, “If she loves this nation as she claims,” she needs to take one for the team, live to fight another day, and go home.
By: Ken Crow