TN Prisoner Escapes After Prison Employee Murdered – LIVE COVERAGE
A Tennessee prisoner has escaped after a prison administrator was found dead at the prison. A manhunt is underway for the escapee, Curtis Ray Watson. Get the latest in our LIVE COVERAGE.
The employee who was murdered, Debra Johnson, 64, was found dead around 11:30am today in her residence, which is on the property of the West Tennessee State Penitentiary in Henning, Tennessee. After a roll call of prisoners it was discovered that Curtis Ray Watson was missing. Authorities say Watson fled the prison on a tractor, which was found approximately a mile away. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) sent out a Blue Alert warning Tennessee residents about the escaped prisoner, whom the TBI considers “extremely dangerous.” In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest updates on the manhunt for Curtis Ray Watson, the prison escapee in TN who may have murdered a prison employee, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
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