The Shocking Truth About Capitalism & the Environment That No Leftist Will Ever Tell You
The Shocking Truth About Capitalism & the Environment That No Leftist Will Ever Tell You The left takes great pride in protecting endangered species. It’s undoubtedly a noble cause — the creation before our eyes is a magnificent thing and we should work to maintain its beauty, livelihood, and function. But going about it the way progressives favor, with policies that shackle the free market that makes economic development possible, will only further the biodiversity threats, not aid in the fight against them. That’s the conclusion of scientist and journalist Matt Ridley, who has done a great deal of research on the correlation between free markets and the conservation of wildlife and forests. The evidence is clear, Ridley wrote in an article published this month: Free-market prosperity makes nature thrive. “On the whole, what really diminishes biodiversity is a large but poor population trying to live off the land,” Ridley wrote. “As countries get richer and join the market economy, they generally reverse deforestation, slow species loss and reverse some species declines. Progressives must open their eyes and ears to the fact that capitalism has a positive impact like no other market system could on the face of this earth.