01:38VideosCommentaryOpinionACTIVIST JUDGES ARE READING THESE CASES LIKE THEY’RE READING THEIR HOROSCOPEMarch 21, 2025, 2:22 PMThe Blaze’s Harrison Weinhold lays out how these judges have been going more by their feelings than by the law.
00:59VideosCommentaryOpinion“THIS IS A JUDICIAL COUP”March 21, 2025, 2:20 PMSavanah Hernandez talks about how transgenders in military are non-combat deployable and can’t go overseas, and then we are on...
02:18VideosCommentaryOpinionPARTIES FILING INJUNCTIONS AGAINST TRUMP NEED TO FIRST COVER COSTMarch 21, 2025, 2:17 PMParties filing injunctions have to cover the costs of the case up front, in the event they are wrong, and the govt. was right....