01:36VideosCommentaryOpinionNEGATIVE APPROVAL POLLS COMING FROM THOSE WHO DID NOT DO WELL IN ELECTIONMarch 25, 2025, 8:20 PMRich Baris explains the recent negative polls for President Trump and its true findings.
01:20VideosCommentaryOpinionPUBLIC OPINION DOES NOT MOVE DRAMATICALLY THE WAY POLLSTERS SUGGESTMarch 25, 2025, 8:16 PM"That is narrative polling...we know that some of these people are funded by odd sources." -Richard Baris
01:40VideosCommentaryOpinionTESLA: SAME CAR, DIFFERENT SYMBOLOGYMarch 24, 2025, 7:31 PMThe come-up of now ELON Derangement Syndrome, following the envy from the left and TDS. "Everything around Elon now must become...
01:08VideosCommentaryOpinion"GET WOKE, GO BROKE THAT'S NOT CORRECT..."March 24, 2025, 7:26 PM"Follow the money...does not predict left wing behavior." Joshua Lisec explains movies like "Snow White" is intentional for...
00:58VideosCommentaryOpinionGEORGE SOROS QUANTUM FUND "ESSENTIALLY STEALING" RESOURCES FROM RUSSIAMarch 21, 2025, 7:17 PMMike Benz and Jack Posobiec discuss the effects from the 90s are still reaching into the government today.
02:46VideosCommentaryOpinionTHERE IS MORE TO CUTTING THE DOE THAN JUST EDUCATION: "SNEAKY TENTACLES OF THE BLOB"March 21, 2025, 7:15 PMMike Benz explains where so much money from those like Soros, is being poured into. e.g. protests and ways to impede President...
02:37VideosCommentaryOpinion"WHO IS LEAKING AT THE PENTAGON TO THE WSJ?"March 21, 2025, 6:38 PMELON MUSK IS NOT GIVING WAR PLANS OVER CHINA. "Leakers need to be found, caught, and arrested! -Jack Posobiec
02:43VideosCommentaryOpinionSNOW WHITE'S NEW NARRATIVE: "SHE HAS TO BE MORE LIKE A MAN TO BE A GOOD WOMAN"March 20, 2025, 8:29 PM"This shows just how backwards the feminine ideology is." Evita Duffy and Jack Posobiec discuss all things woke on Disney's...
02:18VideosCommentaryOpinionWALL STREET INVESTING IN SLAVE CONDITIONS AND WAGES IN CHINAMarch 20, 2025, 6:37 PMJack Posobiec and Gavin Wax discuss the hyper-globalism and how tariffs play a large role within these conditions, "we can...
02:37VideosCommentaryOpinion"DISNEY YOU BET WRONG"March 20, 2025, 6:30 PM"YOU'RE GONNA GO WOKE, GO BROKE, WITH SNOW WOKE" Looks like Disney messed up again with the reboot of the new "Snow White" movie.
01:13VideosCommentaryOpinionI DON'T KNOW HOW WE EVER GET THIS BACK ON TRACKMarch 19, 2025, 7:46 PM...A COLLECTIVE COMING TOGETHER "We have one party that loves the country and one that does NOT" -Brian Glenn
02:02VideosCommentaryOpinionTRUMP ADMINISTRATION TELLS SOUTH AFRICAN AMBASSADOR HE MUST LEAVE BY FRIDAY WITHIN THE USMarch 19, 2025, 7:45 PM"It is absolutely crazy and what they regard as appropriate behavior." Ernst Roets explains.