Laura Ingraham interviewed President Trump and his alpha male, “tell-it-like-it-is” New York style of straight forward bravado was on full display. Plus, I debunk Hillary Clinton’s supposedly offensive remarks regarding Spartacus Cory Booker, Kickin’ Eric Holder and the idea that all black males look alike. I catch up with Obama, who is out stirring up tiny crowds behind POTUS in an attempt to instigate a blue ripple. I expose his lies about the approaching horde with facts. Lastly, we look at some weird news out of Florids [sic] involving Whore’s Face & Accessory Psy-Op [sic].
#TRUMP #ALPHAMALE #HonduranCaravan #HillaryClinton #EricHolder #CoreyBooker #StormyDaniels #CesarSayoc
***I edited this video 4 times and YouTube Demonetized it right away each time. Their advertiser friendly rules are arbitrary and impossible to decipher. They will demonetize this video for 3 days until they do a manual review and after everyone has seen it they will finally agree that this video is ad friendly after all. RIDICULOUS!***
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President Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham
Gobierno: Migrantes portan armas y bombas Molotov nueva caravana hoy, … https://youtu.be/_lq6cH0IDnA
México acusa que migrantes preparan bombas molotov para cruzar frontera
Migrantes incendian garita migratoria en Pijijiapan, Chiapas
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Newstrumpbreaking newsmigrant caravancaravanmigrant caravan 2018laura ingrahamEric Holdermexicolatest newscentral americahondurasTodays newsCory BookerMexico Caravanblack conservative patriottrump alpha maleobama beta malehillary clinton all blacks look the samelaura ingraham trump interviewmigrants break through bordermigrant caravan 2018 livemigrant caravan 2018 live streammigrant caravan 2018 trumpcaravan of immigrants