OBAMA JUST GOT TRUMP’D! ALPHA 45 VS beta 44! | Trump Rally, Obama, Economy, Manufacturing, Liberty
TRUMP RALLY: A comparison of the Trump Economic Policy compared to that of Obama’s with an emphasis on the manufacturing sector and why this is necessary and vital for our national security. Also, we see that Obama wants to take credit for something he previously said wasn’t even going to happen!
#TrumpRally #TrumpEconomy #MAGA #Obama #TheEconomy
Original Title: ALPHA MALE POTUS 45 TRUMPS beta male potus 44! | Trump Rally, Obama, Economy, Manufacturing, Liberty
President Trump Rally Speech in Mesa Arizona 🔴 https://youtu.be/0QGzf6-43ps
Obama: Some jobs ‘are just not going to come back’ https://youtu.be/CKpso3vhZtw
OBAMA TAKES CREDIT: Barack Obama Says He’s The Reason For Booming Economy https://youtu.be/SgdkoQI9gwQ
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