Liz Harrington slams Biden Administration’s draconian executive vaccine mandates
“It’s very clear that getting back to normal was never the agenda for people like Dr. Tony Fauci or for Joe Biden… this is about control”
- Liz Harrington
Washington, D.C./September 10, 2021 – In an exclusive interview on the rapidly growing Real America’s Voice network, Liz Harrington, spokesperson for 45th President Trump, levelled scathing criticism against President Biden’s vaccine mandates announced earlier this week.
“What’s happening is what you're witnessing is what happens when you have a regime that’s unaccountable to the American people,” Harrington said. “They’re not worried about what the American people want, what the voters want, because they didn’t get there legitimately in the first place,” Harrington continued.
“This is very dangerous, obviously it’s unconstitutional, and unfortunately, they’re going to try as much as they can — they’re going to continue to push the envelope because they’ve gotten away with so much already that is so against what this constitutional republic stands for and what the American people want,” she said.
Harrington asserted that the Biden Administration is far more concerned with controlling Americans’ lives than it is with protecting those lives from COVID-19. “It’s clear now that this is not about the vaccine,” said Harrington.
President Biden “demonized 80 million Americans, which is completely inappropriate and wrong, and it’s clear that what President Trump tried to do when we were hit with the China virus was an all-hands-on-deck approach — which included vaccines because it was all about saving lives” and “getting back to normal,” Harrington continued.
“Now it’s very clear that getting back to normal was never the agenda for people like Dr. Tony Fauci or for Joe Biden, who have spent their entire lives in The Swamp. This is about control,” she said.