Kavanaugh News Leading Up 2 Thursday’s Circus! Dr. Ford | Julie Swetnick | Avenatti| Trump | Tapper
Get Up To Speed on the Brett Kavanaugh Circus Before Thursday’s Hearings! A lot happened today leading up to that event. Here is a recap of what transpired today!
Dr. Christine Ford |Julie Swetnick | Micheal Avenatti| President Trump | Jake Tapper| LIndsey Graham | Senate Judiciary Committee over the Kavanaugh Allegations.
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CNN Legal Analyst Rains On Media’s Parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YH7rd7xXpQ
Important News Tweets
PR Spin, Lies and Propaganda
Lindsey Graham on the Kavanaugh Circus: https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1045026719860760576
CBS NEWS Polygraph pic: https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1045070511280205825
Rosie Tweet: https://web.archive.org/Rosie/status/1045014956305866752
Even Tapper is Dubious! https://twitter.com/CurtisHouck/status/1045049568189181955
Just in… https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1045061285572939776
Rape in Rhode Island…writer calls Trump Parasite
Pergram: https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1045095699862487041
Final Tweet: https://twitter.com/burgessev/status/1045139499863461888
Video Title: Catch Up on Kavanaugh News B4 Thursday’s Circus! Dr. Ford | Julie Swetnik | Avenatti| Trump | Tapper
Kavanaugh, brett Kavanaugh, avenatti, Michael avenatti, Julie swetnik, swetnik, today’s news, trump news, Kavanaugh hearing, Kavanaugh allegations, black conservative patriot
trumpbreaking newsLindsey GrahamPresident Donald Trumptop storiesSupreme Courtsenate judiciary committeetrump newsTodays newsbrett kavanaughkavanaughjudge brett kavanaughMichael AvenattiChristine Blasey FordChristine Fordkavanaugh hearingJUdge KavanaughJulie SwetnickAvenattiblack conservative patriotswetnikKavanaugh allegationsbrett kavanaugh and trumpbrett kavanaugh supreme courtbrett kavanaugh investigationkavanaugh ford