John Bolton: Military Intervention Not Needed in Venezuela Now, But ‘All Options Are On the Table’
John Bolton: Military Intervention Not Needed in Venezuela Now, But ‘All Options Are On the Table’ The Trump administration has no public plans to send U.S. forces to Venezuela, but as of Friday, neither the president nor a top adviser were ruling out such a step. The Trump administration has recognized Venezuelan National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó as the country’s president as part of its efforts to pressure Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to give up power. John Bolton, the White House national security adviser who has been the public face of the administraion in calling for Maduro to step down, on Friday was asked by radio host Hugh Hewitt if military force was part of the administration’s plans. Bolton’s report was a succinct “No.” “The president said all options are on the table. But our objective is a peaceful transfer of power,” he said, according to a transcript of the show. While Bolton and Trump soft-pedaled any American response, Vice President Mike Pence made it clear that the U.S. wants Maduro gone and has no interest in talks with him.