Absurdity doesn’t even begin to describe the fact that the only one in this situation who has no advocate is the baby that is being targeted for destruction.

In An Effort to Kill More Babies, Michigan Democrats Want to Get Rid of Parental Consent for Abortions
Abortion rights advocates in Michigan are eyeing another target in their ongoing battle: the parental consent law for minors seeking abortions. This law, which mandates that individuals under 18 must obtain parental or legal guardian consent for an abortion, is now under scrutiny following the passage of a ballot proposal protecting reproductive rights.
Because you know how things go… once Democrats gain ground on an issue, they can’t help themselves: they want more, more, more…And the “more” right now is to let children sneak around behind their parents back by not only having sex, but also getting abortions without parental consent.
In a move that surprises absolutely no one paying attention, proponents of reproductive freedom argue that this law imposes unnecessary barriers and restrictions on minors seeking abortions.
So the crazy Democrats care about children if they are already alive but not when they are yet to be born and their mom wants to end their life – try to figure that one out.
Under the current law, if a minor can’t or won’t obtain parental consent, they have the option of navigating the legal system to petition a court to waive the requirement. However, that doesn’t happen a whole lot as most minors get the consent of a legal guardian or parent according to data from Michigan’s health department.
Dr. Sarah Wallett, Chief Medical Operating Officer for Planned Parenthood of Michigan, told the Michigan Free Press about a girl who already had a baby and was seeking abortion but needed her mom’s permission. She called it, “the absurdity of parental involvement.”
Steve Gruber