How the German Migrant Crisis Mirrors and Contrasts with the One in the United States
The National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam tells Steve Bannon that in the blink of an eye, under Joe Biden, 10 million illegals have invaded the United States. By comparison, in Germany in 2015-2016 about 1.7 million people entered a population of 85 million, which is about 2 percent of that population. "Let's say America has taken in 7 million [illegals] over the course of the Biden regime so far," Kassam said. "That is 2 percent of a 350 million based population. If you do that math then you face America undergoing a similar level if not a greater level of migrant crisis than Germany did in 2015 and 2016." But there is one key difference between the two events.
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