Houston Police Officer Converts to Islam in Uniform!
A RAIR Foundation USA investigation has uncovered video footage of a Officer Kyle, a Houston Police officer in uniform converting to a Islam inside the notorious Clear Lake Islamic Center in Houston, Texas. The leadership of the mosque has openly dismissed the official designation of a terrorist organization, and has repeatedly made disturbing comments about women, gay people, sharia, pedophilia, domestic abuse, child marriages, “honor” killings, and polygamy.
It is concerning that a police officer, who took a pledge to defend and uphold America’s Constitution, would be associated with an organization whose views are antithetical to the Constitution.
RAIR Foundation USA reached out to Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo and inquired what policies are held by the Houston Police department related to such activities, particularly being undertaken while in uniform? To date, we have not received a response.
Thank you to retired Georgia Police Chief, David Bores, for his comments that define how Sharia will compromise Officer Kyle’s ability to uphold the law and for contacting Officer Kyle for comment. David is also Co-Founder of Sharia Crime Stoppers.
Read More at: https://rairfoundation.com/houston-police-officer-converts-to-islam-in-uniform/
texasLGBTfeminismHamasIslamShariaMeTooHijabMosqueShahadaEl MekkiClear Lake Islamic Center?RAIRfoundationRAIR