Footage of Burnt Out Vehicle Belonging to US Family Killed in Mexico
Footage shared with Reuters is said to show images of the burnt out vehicle that belonged to a US family that was killed in northern Mexico, Monday, November 4.
READ MORE: At least six children and three women from a U.S. family have been killed in an ambush in northern Mexico, Mexico’s security minister and family members said.
The attack occurred when family members were traveling in three separate vehicles on a dirt road between the border states of Chihuahua and Sonora, several family members said.
The victims were members of the LeBaron family, U.S. citizens who formed a fundamentalist Mormon community decades ago in the border region, according to Security Minister Alfonso Durazo and relatives Alex and Julian LeBaron.
Mormons of Germanic origin left the U.S. and established a settlement in northern Mexico. The group broke away from the mainstream Mormon church when it abandoned polygamous marriages.
carmurderUSmexicovehicleattackvoakilledoutgunmanvoa 2019us family killed in mexicous family killed in mexico 2019us family killed in mexico 11-5-19voa 11-5-19MormonsMormonBurnt