After four years of Bidenomics, open borders, high inflation, international conflicts and constant stress and anxiety caused by Democratic Party policies, it is refreshing for Americans to finally enjoy much needed comic relief. Yet, this comedy is not being provided by late night talk shows because all these so-called comedians have become humorless leftist hacks.
This new source of comic relief is provided by Democratic Party progressives who have collectively lost their minds following the massive victory of President Donald Trump and Republicans on Tuesday night. In the aftermath of their gargantuan loss, too many Democrats are not taking it well and it is pure comedy gold.
Instead of realizing that their extreme pro-abortion agenda did not connect with enough voters, some young progressive women are going online, shaving their heads, and vowing to abstain from relationships with men or having children.
These activists are claiming they are part of the 4B movement. It is modeled from a feminist campaign in South Korea a decade ago. The “B” is an abbreviation of the Korean word for “no.”
The “4B’s” mean no sex, no dating, no marrying men, and no children. Supposedly, the protesters are resisting “a conservative political environment and the corrosion of reproductive rights.”
After exposing their extreme ideology in many of these online videos, American men should not be distraught that these women are “off the market.”
Of course, this type of reaction was caused by the inaccurate characterizations of President Trump’s policies, especially his position on abortion. Despite what Democrats claimed, Trump did not campaign on a “national abortion ban.” His emphasis was allowing voters across the country to make decisions on how abortion should be managed in individual states.
Sadly, hardcore leftists never hear the truth because they get all their information from biased news sources and hyperbolic Democratic politicians.
While this causes ultra progressive women to pledge to boycott men, other leftists are dreaming about moving. A survey by StorageUnits.com discovered that 54% of voters who supported Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris want to “relocate,” either to another country or to a “blue” state. Not surprisingly, the top reasons for wanting to move are “abortion,” “increased racial inequality,” and the “overturning of progressive rights.”
Of those wishing to leave the United States, the top choice was Canada at 41%. In fact, in the aftermath of Trump’s victory, it was reported that Google searches for “immigrate” or “move” to Canada skyrocketed by 5,000%. The highest interest came from the nearby states of “Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire.”
Why do leftists want to leave America? One resident of Minnesota, Krystal Majerus Enquist, explained it clearly. She said watching the election “results” was “nauseating” and explained that it infuriated her that voters had chosen “someone who is hateful, spreading fear … It feels like we just keep going backwards.”
Instead of her dark vision of the Trump agenda, the President-Elect wants all Americans to succeed. His motto, “Make America Great Again,” does not exclude any group of Americans.
Unfortunately, left-wing media coverage of Trump has been so skewed that too many Democrats are convinced Trump wants to harm minorities, breakup interracial marriages and create internment camps.
Along with media buffoons, elitist Hollywood celebrities have spread this type of nonsense. Ever since Trump’s first presidential victory in 2016, pampered actors and actresses have been threatening to leave the country, yet none of them ever seem to leave.
In this election, the threats to leave America if Trump won again came from actors and actresses such as Samuel Jackson, Cher, Christina Applegate, Sharon Stone, America Ferrera, Lena Dunham, and Amy Schumer, as well as recording artists like Bruce Springsteen, Miley Cyrus, and Barbara Streisand, to name only a few.
In July, Stone told the Daily Mail, “I am certainly considering a house in Italy. I think that’s an intelligent construct…This is one of the first times in my life that I’ve…seen anyone running for office on a platform of hate and oppression.”
Such ignorance is laughable, for Trump’s platform is based on opportunity for all Americans, not “hate and oppression.” The groups that Trump hates are criminals and terrorists, who should not have a sanctuary in our country.
Not to be outdone, in the aftermath of Trump’s win, Applegate fumed on social media that “My child is sobbing because her rights as a woman may be taken away.” She was so disgusted that she decided to end “this fan account that I have had for so many years,” and she called the election of Trump “sick.”
Instead of the election being “sick,” Trump’s amazing victory was actually an extremely healthy sign for our constitutional republic. Despite the $1 billion Harris spent, and the universal support from Hollywood and the news media, Trump was able to overcome the obstacles with the truth.
The last four years have been an economic nightmare for Americans. President Joe Biden and Harris ripped away the American dream and forced citizens to take multiple jobs, raid their savings and place more debt on their credit cards to survive. It was not “price gouging” as Harris claimed, but a result of her administration’s misguided economic policies.
Thankfully, Americans decided on a new direction and in his victory speech Tuesday night, President Trump vowed to “help our country heal.” He noted that our country “needs help, and it needs help very badly. We’re going to fix our borders, we’re going to fix everything about our country, and we’ve made history for a reason tonight, and the reason is going to be just that.”
Trump vowed to be a President for all Americans, just like he did in his first term. Nevertheless, some leftists refuse to listen to President Trump and prefer to believe the negative caricatures his enemies create.
For these hopeless progressive activists and celebrities, they should follow through on their promises and leave already. There is no doubt that our country would be much better off without them.
By: Jeff Crouere
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award-winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs Saturdays from Noon until 1 p.m. CT nationally on Real America's Voice TV Network & AmericasVoice.News and weekdays from 7-9 a.m. & 6-7 p.m. CT on WGSO 990-AM & Wgso.com. He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on Crouere.net. For more information, email him at jcrouere@gmail.com
Jeff Crouere