Biden Sucks – Pretty Much Everyone Admits it Now
When your presidency gets compared to Jimmy Carter’s, it’s never good. When those comparisons suggest your approval ratings are worse than Richard Nixon’s (even after resigning because of Watergate), it’s downright catastrophic.
According to a new Gallup poll, reported by the Daily Mail, Joe Biden is cruising into uncharted political waters – right past Trump, Carter and Nixon – to earn the dubious title of “Most Unpopular Modern President.”
Yes, Biden’s approval rating now hovers at a Titanic-level 37%. To put that in perspective, Trump, Nixon, and even Carter at his cardigan-wearing worst could only dream of such unpopularity. For a guy who promised to restore dignity and competence to the White House, Biden is leaving office with a legacy of neither. And all the while, he did his best to destroy the country along the way
Meanwhile, Trump’s approval rating is currently at an all-time high of 54%.
Now that 82-year-old Biden has outlived his usefulness to the leftist progressives, they’re not exactly rushing to sing his praises – or even toss him a passing grade. Instead, their energy is laser-focused on their favorite pastime: being anti-Trump. By comparison, Biden ends up looking better than he actually is – by default, not design.
With only 41 more days to rule over the country, most people aren’t even paying attention to Biden anymore – except when he does BS like pardoning his son, falling asleep at a foreign meeting, or handing out billions to Africa instead needy Americans in North Carolina. Instead of laying low and snoozing in Delaware, Biden seems to be doing what he can to sabotage Trump’s presidency.
It’s the ame old song, different verse from the corrupt president. The upcoming celebration on January 20th isn’t just about Trump’s victory – it’s about Biden, Kamala, and the Democrats getting soundly defeated. Face it, Dems: America just isn’t that into you anymore.
Joe Biden