Bette Midler Posts Fake Trump Quote, Twitter Does Nothing While It Goes Viral
Bette Midler Posts Fake Trump Quote, Twitter Does Nothing While It Goes Viral Recently, a slowed-down video of Nancy Pelosi went viral. The reduced speed of the clip appeared to make Pelosi look as if she was dramatically slurring her words. The left went into a rage. How could Facebook let this happen? How dare they let a “doctored” video of a liberal hero be passed around the social media world all willy-nilly and such? Saturday, The Daily Beast ran a 30-paragraph, in-depth article on the maker of the video, Shawn Brooks. The Beast revealed his history, his residence history, his criminal history and political leanings and certain Facebook page affiliations. And, according to the article, people at Facebook helped with the “investigation.” Pelosi said of Facebook in a Wednesday interview, “I think they have proven — by not taking down something they know is false — that they were willing enablers of the Russian interference in our election.” On Sunday, Midler tweeted a since-deleted picture of Trump with a quote that read “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.” Miller hit the nail on the head. The left only cares about ‘misinformation’ when it’s information its members don’t like. Everything else gets a pass.