BEST COMEDY DUO! Jeff Session & Christopher Wray in “Press Conference” [ONE NIGHT ONLY!]
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray put on the most amazing circus during a press conference today about the arrest of Accessory/Patsy Cesar Sayoc, the 2018 version of Lee Harvey Oswald, except in this version, no one met their demise and no one was ever in danger of actually even being hurt. Let’s watch and break down this comedy together!
#PressConference #JeffSessions #ChristopherWray #FBI #FBIPressConference
**THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN “STUCK” at 50 VIEWS with 86 likes and almost 30 comments. I haven’t seen them restrict my view count to so low a number in a long while. **
Original Title: Today’s Top TV Comedy Act! [Jeff Sessions & Christoper Wray Press Conference on Packages]
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